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Dedicated to providing the most promising neuroscience and medical breakthroughs so you can live your BEST LIFE

Inner Refuge: Finding Peace Amidst Suffering
As I stood in the shadow of my mother's illness, grappling with the impending loss of her physical presence, I found solace in an...

The Divine Grace of Laughter
A study in Norway found that people that laugh more, live longer. Laughter can be a bridge to the inner calm and the refuge to bounce...

Connection Matters
I love being in solitude, in my own headspace, whether it’s here in presence or a million miles away, wherever my imagination takes me....

Tending Your Inner Garden
Tending our inner garden is a practice that we can use to journey inward and gain healing and restoration. What is it in your inner garden t

The Flow of Us
Recently, while traveling in India, I was confronted with the personal narrative of, “I need to do things alone.” Being a creature of...

Awakening the Soul in Solitude
In the mountains at 5,000 feet elevation, it’s easeful to flow into the silence of the heart and to awaken the soul. With views of pine...

On Phoenixing and Letting Go
Have you ever had a nagging voice deep inside your heart telling you this is not really it? That who and what you think you are is not...

Releasing Calculations to Live from the Heart
We live in a world that centers itself on a survival mind where we are conditioned to feel separate. The idea that your gain is my loss...

Returning to the Heart
From a young age, I have always had a deep intuition of what feels right and what does not feel right for me. Spending many hours in...
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